Friday, July 16, 2010

Gene Simmons Family Jewels

As a marketing person, I'm always interested in hearing about innovative marketing ideas/platforms. While surfing cable, I came across Gene Simmons Family Jewels show and was slightly intrigued. After watching a few episodes I've come to realize that Gene Simmons is a fantastic marketing/business guy. Every time I watch he's coming up with some very creative business idea like a nail salon for men, managed by sexy women...great idea. I can see the franchise.

Today, I realized that he owns the rights to some money logo (wish I had thought of that), he went to Whistler in order to find the right snowboarder to sign on as the "Money bags" spokesperson. It's good stuff and I'm impressed with his creativity and tenacity.

Watch out Diddy.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Feed the ego or save lives?

Tonight on Dateline, I saw this incredibly disturbing segment about 9 soldiers who were killed and 27 who were wounded in Afghanistan. The parents requested a full investigation and it was determined that the Army was negligent in protecting our young soldiers. I believe 3 commanders were reprimanded, however, despite the evidence at hand, the presenting general decided that he would fully exonerate the commanders. To understand more about the story, check out this link.

The question I ask....why is it so hard sometimes for people to admit their wrong, change their ways in order to learn and grow from the experience?

At the end of the day, the dead soldiers parents merely want to see that this never happens again in order to protect those that are present fighting for freedom.